Our Process
Pickup & Delivery included!
Why spend your day stuck with laundry when we can do a great job for you at a low cost?
Download our app (Clean Laundry- wash, dry, fold) or give us a call (910-769-2392) to schedule your next pickup and delivery service. ​​
Leave your laundry outside of your front door in a closed bag.
Leave any specific instructions when you call or through the app.
You will receive a notification when the driver is on their way, your laundry is picked up, and when it is delivered back to you.
Pickup & Delivery services available between 8am-5pm Monday- Friday, and 8am- 3pm on Saturday.
Rush Charges (delivery before 48 hours) available for $15 more.
Wash, Dry, Fold Services
We offer the choice of standard, plant based, fragrance free, and hypoallergenic detergent at no additional charge.
Laundry is never mixed with other clients.
All loads of laundry are sanitized.
Clothes are folded and wrapped for sanitization.
Drop off services are available at our location between 8:30-4:30 pm.